
OctanePvP is a Minecraft server intended to accommodate everyone from children to adults, from new players to experienced players. We expect the behaviour of players to reflect this, and so we have some rules that all players must follow. Failing to meet our rules will incur consequences that scale in harshness depending on the effect of the rule broken and your punishment history.These rules will continue to be updated as time progresses.

Chat Rules

We prioritise creating a respectful and safe environment for all players. We require all communication to be conducted in English, free from sexual references, spam, or excessive disrespectful behaviour. Posting any links or continuing to break rules in chat whilst already muted on another account is prohibited. We also do not tolerate any form of blackmail, coercion, or language that promotes self-harm.In absolutely no circumstance is it acceptable to threaten to, or to post any real life information, correct or incorrect, about any player, including yourself. Any jokes about this subject will also be punished.

Gameplay Rules

Everything you do on the server must not be inappropriate. Bugs you find should be reported and the use of hacks or exploits will result in punishment. Players are required to adhere to our 'Usable Mods' guidelines, and any form of fly boosting must not exceed a 2x speed increase. Scamming, teaming with rule violators, and automating tasks using computer modifications is strictly forbidden. Any method of stealing a faction’s belongings outside of our ‘Raid’ feature will not be tolerated.

Teamplay Rules

We limit the number of players in a faction, and each faction has specific limitations, for example a raid cooldown timer. You may not create extra factions to bypass these limits or timers. You will also be breaking the rules if you decide to excessively donate faction top value to other factions.


Breaking any of the rules above could result in warnings, mutes, jail time, and bans. A warning will be given to you to help you understand what you did wrong and to ask you not to do it again. Mutes are given to players who use the chat to break rules. Jail time is given to players who break gameplay or teamplay rules. Bans are permanent and given to the most serious offenders where management has decided we no longer want the player on the server or involved in our community. You may utilise alt accounts to continue to chat whilst muted or to play whilst jailed. You may not use alt accounts if you are banned.